I had an Aha moment today. I was baking cookies for our daughters band concert fundraiser and the mail woman drove up. I thought about how I would love to give her some cookies for delivering our mail everyday, even on rainy days like today. I thought about how I had thought about it at Christmas, but was too busy making goodies for all the teachers and co-workers. Why can't I give her cookies today, why does it have to be a holiday. So that's what made me think of this. Why don't I start a blog where each day I give cookies, or some other dessert to someone new. I have lots of neighbors I have never met and people all over our little town that I would like to thank or get to know.
We live in such a secluded world where we only communicate via email or on twitter or Facebook. So why not go out and meet someone new and give them something sweet to eat. Yes this will be a little outside my comfort zone, but that is part of growing as an adult to challenge oneself to try new things. So now I have to find a place to start. I need 4 dozen cookies for the concert, so who to take the leftovers too. I will ponder that thought while I eat a cookie.
Several hours later (it was a good cookie), plus I had to take care of my children. I have decided where to start. It will have to wait until tomorrow, because the place I want to go is closed already. But after much deliberation, I think I should start with the place that helped me the most when we first moved here. Let me explain a little. We live in a small town (only 3500 people). My husband is from here and we moved back after our first child was born to be closer to family. I didn't know anyone but my husband and his family members that still live here. We only had one car, which he would take to work while I stayed home with our daughter. So the only places I could go were places that I could walk to. So I started walking to our public library. I could check out books and movies. As our daughter got older, we started attending story time. It was there that I met some of my now close friends, other moms. The library was my first connection that I made here and it helped me to branch out and meet new people. So I think that it is only fitting that I start there. So tomorrow after my son goes to school, my youngest and I will walk over and deliver some cookies. I will post a picture of the dessert I deliver and let you know how it goes.
Here's to day one of many.
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